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Еnergy storage systems (ESS)

Еnergy storage systems (ESS)

Storage systems (accumulation) of electricity designed to provide stable, reliable power, regardless of natural conditions and time of day. Plants that use renewable energy sources (RES), highly dependent on natural conditions, wind power can change every 15 minutes, solar energy is highly dependent on the weather, the work of small hydropower is also largely linked to weather and seasonal factors.

Energy accumulation systems - a large capacity industrial batteries, allowing for continuous operation of power stations and their integration into a common grid. During periods of active power, the system accumulates a surplus of electricity, and during peak times or during low performance stations, batteries are sources that provide the required level of power.

Free Energy Company of Ukraine provides a wide range of lithium-ion batteries from South Korean manufacturer recognized world leader in the creation of accumulation of energy. Korean energy saving systems known in more than 50 countries and are used in various industries: defense, aerospace, manufacturing, electric vehicles, power industry and many others.

This may be the solution for both power stations and industrial enterprises and private households.

Industrial electricity accumulation system Types of industrial accumulating batteries:

• 20-foot container (6.1 m.) - Maximum charge of 1.6 MW
• 40-foot container (12.2 m.) - Maximum charge of 2.4 MW
• 53-foot container (16.2 m.) - Maximum charge of 3.7 MW

Opportunities for recharging rechargeable batteries are 10 000 cycles, which is 3 times the performance of similar batteries from other manufacturers in the world.

The introduction in Ukraine of energy batteries bring several advantages grid Ukraine and will give tangible socio - economic impact:
- Increase operational efficiency by reducing the frequency of connection generating reserves. This will reduce the cost of generating energy, improve power and reduce wear equipment depreciation;
- Stabilization of frequency in the grid tracking load demand large solar or wind power, uninterrupted power supply and voltage support;
- This technology will reserve electricity for its issue further at peak times;
- Attracting investment in European regions;
- Deduction of taxes;
- Additional source of electricity;
- Reduction of annual CO2 emissions;
- The introduction of advanced environmentally friendly technologies in the field of electricity accumulation;
- Ability to use / accumulation of surplus electricity at night and during peak loads on the grid Ukraine.

Systems for accumulation of electric energy for households Home Korean battery manufacturers have a life cycle in 8000 perezaryadzhen. Batteries with integrated high-performance power conversion, battery charger, inverter, solar inverter, battery and special software. The system allows the use of stored energy during peak and evening, and to protect your home in case of accidents in the power system.

Battery Module - a small, lightweight system that requires no maintenance, with a warranty of 15 years. The company offers two types of batteries:
1) 10 kW module optimized for protection against outages.
2) Mmodul to 6 kW, calculated on a daily cycle. 

In addition, both modules need to install an inverter to convert DC to 120-240 volt AC.

Korean manufacturers spent several years to develop the best solution to convert AC power bidirectional battery that allows the most out of the energy system. Since installation, consumers can easily and conveniently use the system, thanks to an intuitive interface.