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Poroshenko signed Law of Ukraine “On Ratification of the Paris Agreement”

President Petro Poroshenko signed Law of Ukraine “On Ratification of the Paris Agreement” adopted by the Parliament on July 14.

The Paris Agreement is designed to substitute the Kyoto Protocol

The agreement was adopted at the 21st Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC on December 12, 2015. Ukraine signed the agreement in New York on April 22, 2016. The document has already been signed by 177 countries.

 The Paris Agreement is designed to substitute the Kyoto Protocol. Its purpose is to accelerate the implementation of the UNFCCC provisions and enhance global response to climate change in the context of sustainability and efforts to combat poverty.

 The Paris Agreement will enter into force when at least 55 Parties to the Framework Convention that account for at least 55% of global greenhouse gas emissions deposit their instruments of ratification, adoption, approval or accession. Today, 19 states that account for 0.18% of global greenhouse gas emissions have ratified the agreement.