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Free Energy partook in the work of the presidium of Ukrhуdroenergo Association

Ukrhуdroenergo Association NGO and Ukrainian Wind Energy Association NGO signed a Memorandum of Partnership and Cooperation

On April 7, the meeting of the Ukrhуdroenergo Association Presidium was held. The highlight of the event was the signing of the Memorandum of Partnership and Cooperation between Ukrhуdroenergo Association and UkrainianWind Energy Association.

 Bringing together hydro and wind power capacities in the country’s energy balance significantly increases the electrical network operation stability. Both associations are planning to place a particular emphasis on the development of joint projects with the use of hydro and wind technologies. The representatives of both associations emphasized the importance for professional organizations to participate in the legislative process.

The meeting focused on the development of small hydro power in Ukraine. Following the example of Georgia, Ukrhуdroenergo plans to collect information for investors about the potential of small hydroelectric projects that could be implemented in Ukraine.

 Initially, the Association experts are planning to research the hydro potential of Lviv and Zhytomir regions in order to provide complete information about locations and water engineering facilities, where there are a possibility to build small hydro power plants in these regions.

 During the discussion held by Association members concerning the development of small hydropower plants and controversial legal issues that investors can encounter in the course of project implementation, Anatoliу Nikolaichuk, Free Energy,Chief Business Development Officer, offered to provide information on potential sites for the construction of small hydropower plants, as investment proposals. “Investors are interested in those potential projects that feature at least a minimum document package. Primarily, a dedicated land parcel where a hydropower plant can be developed, as well as technical and economic conditions of the project,” Anatoliу Nikolaichuk said.